Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New and exciting things I have noticed recently

I have had an incredibly big week so far. It all started with Mother's Day, which I almost completely slept through except when I needed either food or a clean diaper (Mama appreciated the extra rest she got!). The next day I spent all day down in Seattle for my Great-Auntie Sue's birthday with Mama, Grandma Diane, Grandma-Great Fiedler, and Great-Aunties Sue and Joan. I tried to be artistic when we went to the sculpture garden, but I was too tired so I just slept the whole time. I showed my extreme lack of understanding of the concept of "stranger danger" when I met all of Great-Auntie Sue's friends, and I really enjoyed the view from her windows. Tuesday was so far the most exciting though. Mama and Grandma Diane spent a long time today showing me a bunch of new things to see if I liked them. I really liked my mobile in my crib (which Daddy won't let me sleep in because it's too far from his bed), and my jiggly poodle from Auntie Renee. I did not like the story that Grandma Diane read to me, and I fell asleep. I liked my swing and my new tummy-time toy with a mirror to show me this other really cute baby that lives on the other side. I didn't really like the vacuum when Mama cleaned, but I really liked the medicine that Mama had to give me (it's really sticky and she says I look like a dog with peanut butter in his mouth when I get it). When we drove down to Grandma and Grandpa Great's house this evening I noticed all of the street lights and started following them with my eyes. It's really nice that I can now show everyone what I do and don't like because I spend so much more time awake and happy. My neck is getting stronger every day, and I also like jumping up when Mama holds me with my legs on her lap. I know I'm not supposed to be this strong yet, but I don't want to listen to what everyone else tells me to do.

By the way, Uncle Ian and Auntie Sara's baby (who I am going to call Chuck because I think it's a funny name for a baby, and will be even funnier if you're a girl) I am getting lonely. Mama and Daddy don't have a lot of friends who they see very often who have babies like me. Hurry up and come join me so I have someone to play with.