Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The end of September

September is pretty much done, which means I am pretty much 18 months old. Hooray! Not that I haven't been acting 18 months old for the last two months though....or that Mama hasn't been telling people I'm 18 months old already. Close enough. I have learned a lot of stuff over the past year and a half, but it's a little overwhelming how much more I still have to learn. I've mastered walking and running by now, but I'm still working on talking. I do say a few words though. I say Mama and Dada all the time, even when I'm not talking to them. I also say Potty, even though I don't have any idea how to use one yet. I've also started saying Go when we're getting ready to go somewhere. Mama says it makes me sound impatient when I stand at the door yelling Go Go Go while she's packing up our diaper bag. I think it's funny. I also started saying More when I do the sign, which I do all the time. More food. More music. More bubbles. More blanket forts. More. More. More. Speaking of bubbles and blanket forts, they are my two favorite things. Mimi really likes to blow bubbles with me, so now whenever I go over to her house I just keep saying Bubbles until she blows them for me. She even taught me how to blow them all by myself! Uncle Jared also taught me how to blow a whistle all by myself when I was over there. I love it, but Mama and Daddy hate it. The whistle seems to have mysteriously disappeared a few days ago though....I'll have to look for it. I also make Mama build blanket forts all over the apartment and dance in them with me. Then I tear them down and ask her to build more. If she doesn't build them fast enough I start to cry while signing and saying More over and over again. She always builds them right away when I start doing that. One more thing that Mama told me to write about, then I'm done. Yesterday when we went up to the YMCA so Mama could work out while I played in the Child Watch room I didn't even cry at all when she left. I walked right over to the play kitchen and start making food. Then she tried to give me a hug, which I rejected, and blew me a kiss before leaving. I didn't even really look at her because I knew she was going to come back when she was done and they have lots of cool toys to play with there. I thought Mama would be happy because I'm such a big girl, but she said it made her sad. Next time I'll have to cry a little bit so she feels better.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Puyallup Fair

I went down to the Puyallup Fair with Mama and Daddy yesterday and it was quite exciting. I really liked watching all the people walking around and looking at all the stuffed animals, balloons, and other crap we could buy. I got to see cows, dogs, goats, chickens, rabbits, and a whole lot of other animals. I even got to go into the petting zoo. I wouldn't touch any of the animals though because I was scared. I was afraid of the horses too. Daddy kept saying that I was the first girl in history who doesn't like horses. I disagree. I'm sure there's someone else. We did get to watch the giant horses pull their wagons through the arena. They all wore bells and it sounded really cool. I was still afraid of them a little bit though. I guess I'm my Grandma Diane's granddaughter because I'm scared of so many things. It's really unfortunate because I really doubt my Daddy will sit in the car with me when I'm scared to go in places. I did really like riding the train through Sillyville (the little kid part of the fair). I didn't want to get off so I cried when we had to. The best part of the day was when Daddy won me a stuffed lizard by playing skee ball. She's really pretty, and I named her *pffft* but Mama says we're going to call her Raspberry because that's what I did (who knew it had a name!) and she's purple and red. She's awesome, and so is my Daddy because he won it for me.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Fantabulous Weekend

Ok, so it wasn't really all that exciting. I did get to play in the water at the beach in Edmonds though. It was pretty exciting except that the sand kept washing away from under my feet and I got all off balance. I really liked returning the shells to their natural habitat (ie throwing them into the water) and climbing across the driftwood. Also, when we were out to lunch I tried calimari. It's fantastic. You should eat some.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Vegetables are bad!

Everyone should stop eating them in protest of them being gross. We should all ban together and only eat peaches, hot dogs, yogurt, and muffins. Solidarity sisters (and brothers)!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Play Dough

Today Mama made playdough for me to play with. It was too hot at first and I was afraid of it, but then I started playing with it and it's awesome! I like it when Mama makes snakes and I get to cut them into little pieces. I also got some stickers today to make art with. They're really fun, but it's more fun to stick them on myself than on the paper.

Friday, September 4, 2009

My awesome Tacoma playdate

I had a playdate with my friend Naomi (who just turned 8 months old a few days ago) in Tacoma yesterday. It was really fun, but I have decided that I never want to learn how to share. Life is so much more fun when I steal toys from others kids and won't let them read books with me.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I almost forgot!

I forgot to tell you in my last post that we had a really fun few days with Auntie Jenn (who is not really my Auntie, but is one of Mama and Daddy's best friends) this summer. We went to the childrens' museum and played in the grass at Seattle Center. The sad thing is that she came to visit because she left to go to South Korea for a whole year. I can't believe I won't get to see her for so long. She has a thing called a webcam that she says we can talk over the computer with and I can show her my sweet dance moves. I suppose that will be good enough. She says she's having a really good time so far, so I think that instead of being sad about not seeing her I'll just look forward to hearing all about her adventures.

I did it again

I can't believe I waited so long to post anything on here again. Blame Mama, she's the one who controls the computer. So much has happened in the past two months it's going to be difficult to put it all here.

After my last post Mama, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa Farrell, and I went down to Utah for a visit. We drove all night...well, I didn't drive. I sat in the back and slept most of the time. I also watched cars drive past in the dark (headlights are cool!), and ran around a rest stop for a while. Everyone else drove...except Princess Daddy who slept in the front seat almost the whole way there. Our first few days down there were really sad because we had to go to Grandma Diane's cousin's funeral (which I behaved myself quite well at because I knew it was important to everyone). After that I got to meet my Grandpa Dean's family though. We had two different barbeques to go to. The first one had the best toy room EVER. Although I think Mama and Daddy enjoyed it more than I did. They also had a giant trampoline with a wrestling cage-type thing around it, so I got to jump around all I wanted. Daddy even jumped with me in the 102 degree heat. He got really hot and tired. At the second barbeque I got to go swimming just in my diaper. Daddy got in with me and we had a really good time. Everyone was really excited to meet me, and I was very well behaved (most of the time). And adorable. As usual. We did a lot of other fun stuff while we were there including going up to a giant ski jump that I really wanted to go down. I don't think they let babies do it though. Jerks. Daddy had to leave early to go back to work (boo) but Mama, me, and Grandma and Grandpa got to stay for a few more days. We stayed at this really cool place with lots of swimming pools and mineral baths. I swam three times in two days and had a blast. I saw lots of birdies flying in the sky, and now I sign "birdy" every time I hear or see a bird. I'm a little obsessed. At the end of the trip I got to meet one of Mama's friends from when she was little and play with her daughters Amelia and Grace. We had a fantastic time playing in the sprinkler and jumping on Amelia's big girl bed. Mama says we were getting into trouble just like she and Eryn used to do. Then we drove all the way home overnight again.

The day after we got to Raymond it was Henry's birthday party. His mama's whole family was there, so I got to meet them all. I guess I met them when he was born, but I don't remember. There was yummy food, cake, a swing, and lots of dancing, but the best part was Henry's little baby counsin. She was adorable and I just wanted to play with her the whole time. Once she was sleeping in her carseat and I accidentally fell on her while I was petting her hair. I felt really bad and cried about it, but she didn't even wake up. It was pretty funny. Henry got lots of really nice presents, and I really liked playing with all of them.

We also went camping this summer at Baker Lake. I had a really really good time. There was a big dog there for most of the week and I really liked him. I liked to play with the rocks at the shore, and drive my cozycoupe around the campsite. Henry was there for a while, and we really liked chasing each other around the trailer and giggling in the corner where no one could see us. He's a really funny kid and I absolutely love playing with him. I did have a lot of accidents while we were camping though, but overall it was really fun.

Just last weekend I went down to Raymond with my Mama to go to the fair. I got to see all sorts of animals, which was really cool. I even almost got kicked by a crazy cow in the cow barn. Mama was a little scared, but I thought it was funny. I really liked watching the cheerleaders dance, and danced along on my Grandpa's lap. I did real big-girl cheerleader moves, which makes Mama and Daddy worried that I'll be a cheerleader (neither of them know anything about cheerleading). After that we got to see a real rock concert at the fair. I danced the whole time we were there, and everyone thought I was really cute. People were taking pictures and trying to dance with me, but I was just grooving in my own world and didn't even notice. When they were all done playing I raised my hands and signed all done so that everyone would know that the concert was over. Then I clapped because they were really good. I got to play with Henry and my new friend Ruby June a lot in Raymond and we had a really good time.

Speaking of Ruby June, she and her family just moved up here and I really like going over to play with her. She's really fast and I like trying to keep up with her. Once when I was over there I even threw dirt in her hair and she liked it. She's awesome!

I have been working on learning more signs all summer and now I know a ton. I also have started saying more words. I finally learned how to say Mama, although it sounds surprisingly similar to how I say banana. I also know how to say car, dog, owl (because of Daddy's tattoo), up, down, no (which is a fantastic word by the way), and some more that I can't remember right now. I really try to repeat everything Mama and Daddy say to me, which ends up sounding pretty funny sometimes. I am so over walking by the way. Now I run. Everywhere. I run all the time. And I'm getting really fast. I still fall down a lot, but it's so much faster than walking. I also now have like 15 million teeth, including a whole gaggle of molars. They hurt a lot when they were coming in, but now it's nice to be able to chew things so well. Another big thing that happened this summer is that I now take a bath in the big bathtub so all my toys fit and I can flop around like a mermaid. It's really fun. Mama says that every day this summer I learned how to do something new, so perhaps I should be blogging more often so that I can keep you all updated. Isn't that the whole point of this thing anyhow? I'll try, I promise.