Sunday, September 14, 2008

My First Boat Ride, a photo essay

Yesterday, Grandpa Gary and Grandma Vicki (I'm going to call them Granddad and Nana to avoid confusion with all of my grandparents) invited Mama, Daddy and me to go out on their boat for a big long ride, so I got my first experience out on the open seas (OK, so it was just the Puget Sound). We had to wait for the ferry for a little while, so I got to ride in a metal boat with some statue kids at the park next to the ferry dock.

I was a little bored on the ferry, so I was reading some of the brochures that Mama and Daddy had picked up in the terminal.

When we got on to Nana and Granddad's boat I got to spend a lot of time with their dog Pizono, who absolutely loved me. He and I sat up in the captain's chair and looked out the windows for a long time.

Then Daddy put me in a life jacket that was way too big and we went outside to sit in the sun.

The breeze in my face was a little bit weird, but I liked when we hit someone else's wake and we rocked a whole lot.

I took a big long nap in the big bed while everyone else sat in the sun, then we got to Poulsbo and walked around town for a long time.

I slept through dinner (everybody thought that was really nice of me), then we came home. I slept the entire way home on the boat, probably because we didn't leave until after 9:00, which is my bedtime. I woke up for the ferry ride home, but was really really tired and just laid on Mama's shoulder for the entire ride. I fell asleep in the car on the way home, and woke up this morning ready to tell you all about it.

Pictures from Mounthaven

Auntie Joan told my mom that she was sad that I didn't put any pictures from my trip to Mounthaven on here, so here are a few. The rest of them are on my website at, so check them out there.

Here's me trying to eat bubbles.
Here I am giving Henry a big hug. Thankfully this time I was happy to see him.
At the end of the day I fell asleep on the table at Auntie Joan and Uncle Craig's house. At least Mama and Daddy thought enough to put a blanket underneath me.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My adventures at Mt. Rainier

Last weekend, my family went up to Mt. Rainier to stay with my Auntie Joan and Uncle Craig (they're my great-auntie and great-uncle, but that makes them sound old and it's too much to write). It was fantastic! I did a ton of stuff. I got to spend a lot of time with Baby Henry, but I didn't get to teach him how to do very much. He's pretty much got it all down by now (at least what he's supposed to). He did teach me how to be a world champion spitter-upper. I have been practicing ever since we left (Mama says "Thanks a lot, Henry". She says it's sarcastic, but I don't know what that means). I got to meet some deer and watch them eat some apples. At least Mama and Daddy said they were called deer, but I think they were just big dogs. They kept staring at me, and it made me a little nervous. I got to go on a lot of stroller rides around the whole resort with my Grandpa. He also blew a lot of bubbles for me, which I hadn't really seen before, and I loved them. They don't taste very good though. I got passed around a lot between Auntie Sue, Auntie Sara, Uncle Ian and everybody else. Good thing I'm so skinny or they never would have been able to hold me so long. I also got to sit around the fire, which I love. It just looks so pretty and feel so warm. The best thing, though, is that I got to spend the night in Grandma and Grandpa's trailer. Grandma cuddled with me all night and let my Mama and Daddy sleep in really late. I think they really liked it, and I really enjoyed spending so much fun time with Grandma and Grandpa. I had a great time all weekend, and I can't wait to go up to visit them again. Maybe we'll go up there for Thanksgiving....or maybe when it's really snowy and everyone can throw snowballs for me to catch.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Yet again, I learned a new trick!


Notice that no one is holding me up in this picture. Pretty cool huh? I just started doing this a few days ago (Monday, for those of you are keeping track). I can't wait to show off this weekend when Mama and Daddy and me are up at Great-Auntie Joan and Great-Uncle Craig's up by some big mountain I've never been to. We're going up to see them, Great-Auntie Sue, Uncle Ian, Auntie Sara, and my very favorite cousin in the whole entire world Henry. Maybe I'll try to help Henry learn how to smile....but he probably already knows how to do that because he's a super-genius. Maybe I'll babble with him to help him learn how to do that. I'll let you all know how the weekend is after we get back. I'm pretty darn excited.

Also, this morning my Daddy had to get up with me when I woke up (after nine hours of sleep mind you) because my Mama was feeling too tired. Daddy gave me a bottle because I was starving, and I held it all by myself. It got a little too hard at the end, and Daddy had to help me hold it so I wasn't drinking a lot of air, but I did a really good job with most of it. Who knew that being a baby involved so much learning and trying new things.