Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Better late than never

Right? So it's been quite a while since I posted on here, and rather than bore you with page upon page of updates I'll just give you the highlights. I also posted a bunch of new pictures of my photo website, but since Daddy can't view them at work I'll put some of the best ones on here too. Hi Daddy!

So since last summer tons of stuff happened. Fall was fantastic. I got to be a crow for Halloween (Mama made my costume, and I loved it). Daddy was a crow also. Here's a picture of us crow kissing. We went trick or treating in Mill Creek and I got a ton of candy. Everyone loved my costume too, so that made me feel good.

Then, the next month, it snowed. A lot. It was so much fun to play in, although I think Mama and Daddy didn't really like driving in it very much. Oh well, I thought it was great. We went all the way up to Bellingham to spend Thanksgiving with Grandma Vicki's family, and it was a blast. The
older boys were really fun to play with, and I even held my own when they got a little rowdy. Here's a picture of me playing in the snow.

Then I started my soccer classes. Luckily it was inside, since it was really cold and rainy most days. I had a blast. Sometimes I was really good at little kicks, and sometimes I wanted nothing to do with the ball, but I was always really good at hard kicks into the goal. I got to go for six whole classes, and I even got to wear shin guards!

Then this awesome thing called Christmas happened! This great guy named Santa Claus brought me a bunch of gifts, and my whole family got together to open even more gifts from everyone else. It was amazing! Even Henry and Nora got to come to our house for three whole days. We had a ton of fun the whole time. I think Henry is the best cousin ever, and I really enjoyed playing with him. We even got to have a tree in our house that I helped Mama and Daddy decorate, and we got to put lights on the outside of our house. I really enjoyed driving around with Mama and Daddy sometimes to look at the lights on everyone else's houses too. It was fantastic. I visited Santa at the children's museum before Christmas and told him what I wanted. I forget what I told him, but he brought me a great grocery store. I have played with it almost every day since then. I got a bunch of other presents too, but the grocery store is my favorite.

Since then it's been rather relaxed around our house. It snowed again, and I have been spending time with my friends, but really I've most enjoyed relaxing with Mama and Dadddy.

As far as things I love to do now, I mostly love to sing and dance. I make up songs all the time, and I still am singing a lot of Christmas songs. I love anything that plays music for me to dance too, and I especially love watching myself dance in the mirror or on the TV when Mama hooks up the Kinect. I love playing with Darby, although that mostly means I love jumping and lying on her until she gets fed up and runs away to hide. Then I chase her all around the house. It's pretty fun. I also really like doing puzzles. Real, grown-up puzzles even! Well, Mama says they're for little kids, but they look just like grown-up puzzles. Just a few days ago I got my first chore chart, and now I get to help Mama do things around the house to get smiley face stickers. If I do all my chores for the whole week I get a special prize. It's pretty great. I think it means I'm a big girl. Also, I don't wear diapers anymore, and I can open doors and come out of my bedroom when I wake up, so I guess I am officially a big girl.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rock Band!

Did you know that I'm really good at Rock Band? Especially when daddy makes it so I can't fail. Here are some pictures of me playing on the Fourth of July.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Henry's Birthday Party

Yesterday was Henry's Second Birthday Party, and it was fantastic! His family is staying out at Grandma Carolyn's farm (she's not my real grandma, but close enough) so the party was out there. They have chickens to feed and chase around, and they live on the river so we all got to go swimming. Mama forgot my swim suit so I had to swim naked, but it was really fun. Me, Ruby June, Presley, and Henry all went swimming and had a great time. I even got to ride on an inner tube and float down the river with Jenna! And, the best part, we got to eat cake! It was delicious and I made a huge mess, but I really liked it. It was the best party I've been to all year (and I've been to quite a few). Happy Birthday Henry!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Long time, no see

Daddy says I need to write more. I suppose I should indulge him.

So it's been three months since I wrote anything hasn't it? Lots has happened since my birthday. The most exciting thing is that we got a dog. Her name is Darby (I named her) and she's really fun. Mama says she's a stinker because she eats books and chews up diapers (even dirty ones!) and doesn't listen, but I think she's really fun. She likes to run with me and chase me. It's even more fun when Caleb and Maya come over and they all wrestle. I think it's hilarious. I think what I like most about Darby is that because she needs to go on walks I get to go to the park more often. It's fantastic.

I'm learning more and more every day. Including all of the letters in the alphabet and most of my numbers. I really like to count things even though I usually get the number wrong. It's still fun. I really like books still, and sometimes I even try to read them to Mama. She says that usually when I fall asleep I have at least one book in my bed with me. When I wake up they're gone so I'm not sure if she's telling the truth or not. I really like playing matching games and building with my legos. Especially if Mama and I sort them first. Sorting is one of my very favorite things to do. I've also started helping Mama and Daddy to cook things in the kitchen. Today Mama made muffins and I got to stir, but my favorite thing was when Daddy helped me make oatmeal cookies. They were delicious.

Since the sun has been shining and it's been warm I've been spending a lot of time out in the backyard with Mama and Darby. We like to go swimming in our pool, and Mama likes to lay out in the sun to get warm. I really like it when she tells me stories. Especially the one about the three bears and Goldilocks. She's naughty though and I don't like it when she breaks Baby Bear's chair. It makes me sad. There have been lots of flowers out in our yard over the last few months. Some of them have been pretty, and some haven't been very pretty at all. Mama's been pulling a lot of them out of the ground and I've been helping. She calls it weeding, but I call it digging. It's fun. Here's a picture of me in our apple tree just in case you want to see it.
We've also been doing a lot of fun stuff outside of our house lately too. We go to the children's museum in Everett a lot because we got a membership there. I especially like flying the plane (and I talk about how Grandpa Gary flies planes the whole time I'm in there) and playing on the slides upstairs. I'm a little scared of the dinosaur bone area because the roaring is too loud. Mama says it's OK for me to be scared of dinosaurs. She doesn't like them either. Just a few days ago we went to Wild Waves and I got to ride roller coasters and other fun rides. I really liked the ones that went fast. I felt like I was flying and had a really good time. I loved the rides that I could go on all by myself the best. I like to feel independent. We went to the zoo a little while ago too. Daddy let me ride on his shoulders almost the whole time and I had a really good time. I especially liked the giraffes and the turtles. Here's a picture of me running through the giant meerkat tunnels.
The one thing I've been doing lately that Mama and Daddy are really happy about is using the potty. I'm not really good at it yet, but I'm working on it. I really like it when I do go in the potty because I get stickers and get to wash my hands.

I think my favorite thing over the last few months has been playing with my friends. I really like to play with other kids now, and I'm great at sharing. I also really like playing with babies. They're cute and I think it's funny when they laugh. That reminds me, I'm really excited that my cousin Henry is going to have a baby sister soon. I'm going to tickle her a lot because she's going to be cute and funny. I talk about her all the time because I can't wait to meet her. Here's my favorite picture of me and my friend Sara at an airplane festival. We were trying to get into the restricted area. We're kind of rebellious like that.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Birthday!

My birthday party was fantastic! Everyone came and I had a great time. All the kids searched for easter eggs in our backyard, and I got a ton of presents. There are a lot of pictures up on my photo website, but I wanted to just put a video here to show you my favorite part of the day.